
This website is a resource for anyone interested in learning about the latest seminars happening at UCSF. We list all seminars open to the entire UCSF community. Right now that includes regular seminar series, special seminars, supergroups, and thesis talks. If you see something that should be listed, please fill out our seminar submission form. Alternaitvely, for batch submission of talks, fill out our template Google Sheet. We are not listing events that are faculty-only or requirements of graduate programs.

We are always looking for new ways to improve this website, and we have some exciting features planned for the future. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you find this website to be a valuable resource!

Jon Zhang and James Fraser

Sign up for our weekly email service!

Stay up to date with upcoming seminars with one weekly email enumerating all talks scheduled for the following week. Join our Google Group to register! Note that you may need to create an account with Google if you do not have one already.